Tomatoes are typically considered a summer crop. However, that doesn’t mean you cannot have an all-year-round supply of fresh tomatoes from your garden. Urban dwellers living in multi-unit buildings can also grow tomatoes if they have the passion and love for home-grown vegetables.
But how is this all possible? Don’t you need a plot of land in a well-drained location? Does that mean you can have juicy tomatoes of your own even in winter?
The answer to all those questions is yes. It is possible to grow tomatoes within your home away from the extremes of weather conveniently and efficiently. While some outdoor gardens typically use tents, inside is a bit different.
So, just how you go about all that?
How to Growing Tomatoes inside your Home
- Pick the right variety: the best types for indoor planting are the vining tomatoes. They will eventually require an indoor trellis or cage, but they never stop growing or producing fruits all year. If you have a small space, then the bush varieties may be your thing as they are more compact.
- Plant in a starting mix: start by watering the starter mix until it is adequately moist. In the soils of every cell, poke one-quarter-inch deep hole and put three seeds then cover them with a damp mix.
- Help them Germinate: germination occurs within ten days in ideal conditions. However, you will need to provide a helping hand in this process. The first thing toward this goal is preventing water loss by using a plastic sheet to cover them. Remove it after germination.
You will also need to move the cell to a warm location and maintain 70-80 degree F. soil temperature. You may need a heat mat or take them to a sunny spot like near a window.
- Ensure the seedlings receive sufficient sunlight: tomato seedlings demand eight hours of sunlight every day for healthier growth. Frequently move the cells to somewhere with sunlight like near the window or artificially-lit location. And if you are using artificial light sources, make sure they are just a few inches from the seedlings.
If you are placing them in front of a window, keep turning them so that all seedlings get adequate sunlight.
- Transplanting: when seedlings acquire two or three leaves, then it’s time they moved houses. You will need to transfer them to a larger pot that can sufficiently contain a mature plant. Water them and move them to a well-lit location.
- Fertilizing: the adequate growth of the tomatoes will need regular nutrients. Following two weeks of transplanting, apply the necessary fertilizer and continue feeding after every week. Ideally, use a high phosphorous fertilizer.
- Training for growth: the indeterminate varieties will require support from a trellis, stake or cage. But this training needs to be about a month following transplantation – they will be hardy enough to take the process.
- Harvesting: the vine tomatoes should yield fruit within 80 days after planting. Ripe tomatoes are an even yellow, pink or red depending on the strain. Pick the ready ones and enjoy with a recipe.
Hopefully this guide will prove useful for anyone wanting to take their gardening indoors.