Tropical hardwood is some of the most exotic decking materials on the planet but can be environmentally unsustainable and expensive due to low supply and high demand. Other decking options have peeked their heads with the same great looks, finish,and sustainability. Yes, there exists a decking material that is sustainable, gives you the same look and feel of exotics with virtually zero maintenance – composites.

However, if you happen to be a purist and want the real thing and would rather opt for the classic treated Pine, Merbau, batu, Fijimahogany, and others, we have got the perfect list for you to choose from.

What makes them tropical is that tropical hardwoods derive from timbers that grow in tropical to subtropical rainforests.

Some things to consider when opting for tropical hardwood is where you are located. Do you live in a place that sees a lot of heat, snow or tropical climates? Is there enough natural or built-in canopy to protect the deck you will install? – Ask these questions to ensure you are not investing time and money on materials that aren’t suited for you.

If you have already considered the location viability, budget,and maintenance, we have a list of top 5 exotic decking materials that can add value to your property.


Beautiful Jarrah with its shades of red ranging from a deep red to lightpink is a native Australian.

Have a piece of the forest surrounding your property. Some may argue that Jarrah is the King of tropical hardwoods. This is evident inan alternative, cheaper options. The cost related is because of Jarrah’s long-lasting abilities. With consistent love and care, Jarrah serves as the perfect companion to a property that will be viewed highly. This beautiful slice of nature does come at a heavy cost, so expect to have maintenance plans in place.

Jarrah can be treated after installation to keep its natural colour. If you want to opt for grey tones, leave the wood untreated and with adequate sunshine.

Fiji Mahogany

Bold and unique, Fiji mahogany can transform your property with its exceptional burnt orange to light brown hues. Offers opportunities to the user to opt for different tones including grey tones. Resistant to moisture and relatively better at not being weather damaged.


Merbau timber is known for its enticing orange golden-brown colour and contrasting sapwood in a soft yellow to ivory white, which can be lightened or darkened with oils based on user preference.

The main reasons are its unique beauty often compared to that of jarrah. Unparalleled resilience and usability of Merbau. Along with its high resistance to termites and weathering.

Treated Pine

Pine’s fast growth and sourcing from plantation-grown forests in Australia makes treated pine

decking one of the most popular, cheap, and sustainable decking materials available.

Untreated pine is golden white in colour but will vary according to the treatment applied. Because

pine is a softer wood, it is loosely grained and prone to knotholes.


Batu timber is a beautiful, durable timber from Indonesia that is a great option for outdoor decking. Known for its aesthetics and affordable pricing, batu is a solid option for your next decking project. Batu is a relatively cheap option due to its short living nature if neglected. Perfect for temporary decks.

There you have it, our five most exotic timber decking materials that require finishes to keep original colour. Unless otherwise desired by the user to have the sun change the tones to grey and other faded tones.

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