Every career steam is subject to myths and misconceptions, either rooted from the thought process of people who don’t know much about the stream, or else, who’ve got a very restrictive thought process, perhaps, influenced by the conventional facts.

These myths might have held true some decades ago, however, not necessarily in the modern age. With interior designing too, there have been some myths. This blog deals with those 10 commonly believed myths about interior designing that would restrict your growth in the industry.

10 Interior Designing Myths that would restrict your Growth

Interior Designing is an Expensive Service:


The cost is largely based on the project size, and the demands of the customer, and therefore, interior designing isn’t necessarily an expensive service or reserved only for the elite. In fact, logical negotiations could help reduce the cost considerably, and yet reap the best of the interior designer’s services.

Interior Designing is a Female Dominated Industry:

Hard to believe, but yes, this misconception has been prevalent until the recent influx of a lot of male aspirants that have been equally contributing towards accelerated growth of this industry.

Interior Designers are Excessively Creative:

Of course, they are creative individuals and can be superlatively creative if given a free hand. However, the more prudent interior designers strike a balance between their own creativity and the client’s expectations.

Interior Designing is about Furniture, Walls, and Décor:

While managing and enhancing these factors is a part of an interior designer’s job, interior designers also have to analyze the space, its dimensions, the nature of the space, and prepare a plan in order to fit everything in a manner, aligned with the client’s expectations.

Designers are Stubborn:

Designers that prioritize customer demands and strongly believe in customized solutions aren’t as stubborn. They would, in fact, gel their creativity well with the customer needs, and pull out a gratifying design out of it at the end of the day!

Interior Designers aren’t required when you are Creative Enough:

Remember, interior designers are qualified professionals, who, along with being creative, have an eye for detail, and understand the technical intricacies of the space. Of course, if you think, you are creative enough; you may want to blend your creativity with the interior designer to create an impeccable design. But, when it comes to resolving technical issues, you need interior designers!

Interior Designers wouldn’t match your Preferences:

As professionals, interior designers deal with a diverse clientele, all of them, who’ve got different tastes, preferences, likes, and dislikes. Interestingly, the intelligent ones deal with every customer in a different manner and don’t compel their creativity, but deliver a design by keeping the customer’s tastes in mind.

Your Little Space Can’t be Enhanced:


At times, it is quite natural of you to consider your space too small for an interior design to apply his/ her creativity. That’s not the case though. Interior designers are trained enough to handle tiny spaces, and deliver the best results, based on the dimensions.

Designers are Magicians:

Designers are professionals, but not magicians, who can deliver everything within a blink of an eye! The process takes some time, based on the complexities involved. Yes, although deadlines matter, expecting everything in no time isn’t right.

Interior Designing Course is a Difficult One:

It is challenging, no doubt, but certainly isn’t something that causes you to run away from it. It deals with learning a lot of technical, commercial and entrepreneurial aspects of the business that would make you a comprehensive interior designing professional. So, this certainly is a myth!

Never get carried away by myths. That would keep you away from growth. Be wise and sensible enough to research the facts, and then decide!  Want To Make Your career in Interior Designing After 12th.? Then you must go for B.Sc in Interior Designing or Diploma in Interior Designing.

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