Taking a bath or a shower is, first and foremost, due to hygienic reasons, as everybody will tell you. Be that as it may, there is no saying that you cannot enjoy these activities. Whether you decide on long, tranquil soak or short, invigoration scrub, how your bathroom looks like makes a difference to the whole experience.
Think about broken tiles, peeling paint and ingrowth of mold and you are as far from relaxing as possible and the only thing you can think of is running away. Either that or finding a company who will do through bathroom remodeling for you. Actually it is easier said than done.
Why is that so, you may ask, when you’ve already found a bunch of experienced bathroom remodeling contractors to do the job. The answer is simple. Professionals can do the job but you have to actually decide what cuts the deal when it comes to changing a bathroom into relaxing space.
Bathtub versus shower stall “debate”
Hmm, calling it a debate is a bit of overstatement here. Each type of the fixture has its own pros and cons but the choice actually boils down to your personal preferences and needs. If you have very tiny bathroom, modern style home or difficulties with moving around then shower may prove the right option for you.
If on the other hand you have a lot of space available, classically designed house or small children, then bathtub will suit you better. But if you do love your long bath or never have time for anything more than hot and rather brisk shower on a chilly evening, there is no saying that you have to put aside your preferences to choose what the newest trends consider relaxing interior.
If something is actually relaxing for you then go for it and enjoy your bathing experience. There is one caveat however – there is nothing like gorgeous bathtub to add to that luxurious feel you strive to achieve.
Mildew free interior for peace of mind
Ok, bathtub or shower stall no matter how vintage, modern, classy, comfortable (delete as appropriate) doesn’t make the whole bathroom. It’s of course very important part of your bathing experience but actually you don’t start with exchanging fixtures but with renovating floor, walls and ceiling. For starters you want to apply on the these surfaces products that keep your bathroom mildew free.
Umm, what does it have to do with relaxing space? Actually quite a lot as mildew isn’t the most handsome addition to your interior design. And on top of that instead of spending time removing it you can have a long, pleasant shower / bath. As the interior is mildew free it is now time to put tiles and paint.
Simply more relaxing bathroom
Rule of thumb for bathroom remodeling is choosing best quality products, resistant to heat and moisture. This way the initial investment may be larger than when using inferior quality materials but in the end you will enjoy great looking bathroom for a long time.
Keep in mind as well that although ceramic tiles offer almost endless decorating opportunities due to different styles, colors and sizes, some of them (like tesserae) may be a pain in ass to clean.
So if you don’t keep cleaning crew on a payroll, deciding on a less elaborate option may altogether make your bathing space more relaxing (as you don’t have to bother with scrubbing everything later).
What is the color of …?
While remodeling bathroom to make it more relaxing, very important is the choice of colors as each of them imparts different feel to the interior. Then most popular colors in this type of settings are different shades of blues and greens but white, off-white, cream and beige also have their place. Of course as with the rest of elements, choice of color boils down to personal preference.
For very energetic person bright, lively colors may be more relaxing that they dull, neutral counterparts. On the other hand even if you love clean, ascetic whites, adding some intensely colored elements allows you to avoid that hospital like, sterile feel, that is far away from relaxing.
Finishing touches
Everything is in place now. Floor is tiled, walls tiled or painted, your gorgeous bathtub or ultramodern shower and rest of appliances (sink, toilet bowl etc.) installed and you are ready to enjoy your bathing experience, right? Wait a second, not so fast. Don’t forget about cabinets.
Of course some simple shelve will do in a pinch but cabinet allows to keep you bathroom neat and tidy and at the same time have your favorite bathing supplies and cosmetics on hand.