Moving to a new house can be an exciting time of your life. Because everything is new – new neighborhood, social circle, location, and lifestyle – you’ll be able to open several opportunities which your current residence might not provide.
These opportunities can help you achieve your career goals faster and even improve the quality of your life. However, since moving to a new house demands resources, time and effort, you should be able to consider several things first. These considerations can go a long way to your next move will be memorable for all the right reasons.
Moving to a new house doesn’t only involve chores during the actual moving day; in fact, there are several chores to complete months before the move. This still doesn’t include the tasks you’ll have to do after you arrived in the new house. Accomplishing all of these can be too overwhelming especially if you’re moving to a new house for the first time. To make your life easier, consider the following if you’re planning to move to a new house:
The Time it right: Moving during the summer months can be apt if you’re moving with your children. However, since this is the busiest time of the year for moving companies, expect that you’ll be paying more for their services. The same is also true regardless if you’re working with the best planner moving company. With this status quo, it’s important for you to weigh your options. Would you prioritize cost over your children’s availability? Or is it the other way around? Providing answers to these questions will make it easier for you to come up with the necessary strategies.
You should also consider reaching out to the movers which you’re eyeing to hire. If you’re planning to move locally in New York, inquire from the movers of NYC about their rates during specific seasons or times of the year. The more information you have, the better decisions you’ll have.
- Pare down: Moving to a new house can be your perfect excuse so you can finally go through your closet, sort out which items are still usable and dispose of items which you no longer have plans in wearing. All of your furniture should get the same treatment, as well. Depending on the conditions of the items, you can either sell, donate or give these away. If you’ll opt to sell these, you can earn money which can be spent on your moving expenses.
Although these tasks might seem tedious and time-consuming, you should still put these on your to-do list. Sorting out usable and unusable items can save you time and effort from packing junk which will only collect dust in your new house. Additionally, bringing items which you don’t use will only result in more costs.
- Start packing early: Packing all of your valuables is probably one of the most taxing tasks when moving. If you currently own a lot of valuables and you’re planning to bring most of these, you’ll need weeks to pack everything properly. To avoid stressing out or rushing, start packing your valuables as early as possible. You can start by packing seldom-used valuables such as your Christmas decorations and Halloween costumes. Any progress you’ll make with your packing can make your move a breeze.
- Just eat it: Food is a necessity for every home. However, when you’re about to move to a new home, you should postpone visiting your nearest grocery store. You don’t want to purchase new food products which will only go to waste because you transported all of these to another location, right? Assess the available food supply in your fridge and cupboard and make sure that these are consumed days before the move. The earlier you clear out your food supplies, the better.
If you’ll be needing food supplies for the move (because you’re moving long-distance), consider packing food which is appropriate for the length of travel. Only buy more once you’ve settled in your new house.
Alert the media: No, this doesn’t mean that you should post your new address in all of your social media profiles; this means that you should let your friends and family know that you’re moving, just in case they have plans of visiting you in the future. Doing this can also serve another purpose – when your friends and family know that you’re moving, they might even offer help with your packing, look after your children or pets if you have too much on your plate or lift heavy boxes during moving day. A helping hand from your friends and family can make moving a lighter task for you.
- Prepare the children: Moving with adults will not be as complicated unlike when you’re doing it with children. If your children were born and raised in the same location, they might have a lot of questions about the move. They might also be worried about the environment they’ll have in the new location and even the kind of friends they’ll have there. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to make your children feel at ease before, during and after the move. Consider using storybooks for this purpose. Once your children can relate to these stories, it’ll be easier for them to feel comfortable throughout the entire move. The adjustment will not become too difficult for them!
Strategies Can Help
Moving to a new house doesn’t have any shortcuts. The tasks you’ll have to accomplish for a move can never be skipped. You have to sort out all of your items and pack these properly regardless of where and when you’re moving.
Fortunately, there are many ways to skin the cat; there are several strategies which can make your workload easier and less stressful. Use this article as your guide so you’ll be able to prepare for your move and experience the best results afterward!