Windows have everything to do with how much natural sunlight makes it into your home. You naturally are going to have blinds and/or curtains up to control the amount of sunlight that shines through, too. Window Cleaning is a must, not just for the sunlight, but to allow for a nice view of the outdoors. Windows that are kept clean also last longer and make for better curb appeal. Do you know how to properly clean your windows?

There are certain types of windows that only require less maintenance, but all windows need to be cleaned from time to time. How you go about doing that does depend on the type of windows you have on your home. There are advantages to all types, and you want to keep the windows you have looking lovely. It’s time to clean those windows so that the sun can shine through brightly.


Give Unconventional Cleaners A Try

You don’t have to stick to window cleaners if you want to make your windows sparkle. There are a number of other products you can use. If you’re interested in natural cleaners, you might want to try cleaning your windows with vinegar and water. Vinegar is a surprisingly effective cleaning agent.

Liquid dish detergents also make fantastic window cleaners, especially if the windows are covered in dirt and grease. Because liquid detergents tend to be slippery, using one of these cleaners will allow your cleaning brush to glide smoothly over the window you are cleaning.

Use Two Different Cleaning Mops

A lot of people make the mistake of using a single applicator/mop for a window cleaning project. If you’re using the same brush for both the interior and exterior of your windows, you may wind up spreading a lot of dirt around.

It’s also important to remember that there are outdoor pollutants that you don’t want to bring inside your home. If you’re cleaning animal droppings off your glass, you won’t want any of that to come indoors. Keep one cleaning brush inside and leave the other one outdoors.

Make Sure You Have The Right Tools

A window cleaning project will be a lot easier if you have the right kinds of tools at your disposal. It’s a smart idea to carry detailing rags with you as you clean. They’re a great way to clean windowsills, and they’re also an efficient way to clean the edges of the glass.

If your window has tough stains, a steel wool brush might be able to scrub those stains away. If you need to remove window screens, you may want to grab a paint can opener. Think about the tools you’ll need for this task. Gather all of your tools before you get started.

Strive To Keep Your Windows Clean

You won’t want to have to clean your windows every weekend. You should work to get your windows clean, and you should also try to keep them clean. Applying certain products to your window, such as a commercial rain repellent, can make a world of difference.

You should also consider moving your window screens during the colder months of the year. Screens tend to trap dirt and dust, which means they can actually make your windows dirtier. You should remove your window screen unless you need to use it. If your window screen is dirty, you can get it clean with a lint roller.

If keeping your windows clean is a struggle for you, you should try giving these home window cleaning tricks a try or consider hiring residential window cleaning services and brighten up your home by keeping your windows squeaky clean.

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