There is nothing quite pure as genuine happiness and excitement when you are expecting your firstborn. But it can also be the most stressful period, especially if you are not sure about all the things you need to have done before the baby arrives.
Why preparing for a baby is essential.
Being fully prepared for the baby is the crucial step in your journey because when the newborn arrives, you will not have as much time to get everything under control since the baby is incredibly demanding.
They often feed, by which I mean every 2-3 hours, they sleep in short sessions and are usually fussy. Being ready for everything is the key, and here is how to do that.

Get the home ready.
By cleaning the entire house, you already have half the job done. Your living area is probably with toxins, and you might not even know it!
Throw away your synthetic air fresheners and scents, make sure to get a lot of plants (the more organic, the better), and avoid store-bought cleaning supplies; instead, make your own.
Have the nursery fully put together. If you are not sure what you will need, maybe think about buying an already put together set, for more info click here.
Ensure that you have all the accessories that your baby might need — clothes, toys (which you can find if you click here), hygiene essentials, car baby seats, strollers, etc. But also make sure that you have all the household necessities that you may require, like kitchen and bathroom supplies, and personal hygiene products.
If you have pets, it is the safest practice that your pets do not sleep in your baby’s room. But a dog gate for stairs to keep your dog away, and think about buying a door net to stop your cat from entering the room.
Get the kitchen ready.
After the baby arrives, you will probably have no time and energy to buy groceries and cook. It is helpful to have your pantry stocked and your freezer packed with easy-to-prepare food or already made food — Prep your freezer meals and groceries at least a month ahead of time.
Apart from food, it is vital to have all the essentials for storing your food, like freezer bags, pans with lids, and food labels.
Investing in the right cooking equipment might save a lot of trouble later. Blender, slow-cooker or an instant pot and a vegetable steamer must-have tools for preparing not just your food, but the food for your newborn, once the baby starts eating solids.
Get help.
There is a lot of work when preparing for a baby. The smartest thing to do is to ask for help. Talk to your partner about sharing the chores. Delegating to others will help you rest, but at the same time, get the home ready.
If your partner is busy with work, ask other family members to help you around when he is not around. You will need all the help you can get, not only around the house, but your family can be tremendous emotional support through the stressful period.
Arrange help when the baby arrives. The need for help is not over when you take your newborn home, so having someone to aid you after your baby is born can be very useful.
Preparing for a baby can be stressful, but if done correctly, it does not need to be. If you are uncertain when to begin the preparation, I would suggest starting in your third trimester.
That will give you more than enough time to get everything to the perfect state and relax while waiting for your newborn.