How about we talk about pictures? Just as the jean never goes out of vogue, so does having a cute frame on your wall, even if it’s just a wall art. Need I remind you that pictures are worth a thousand words (maybe memories also) and there isn’t a better keep them than on your wall. Sometimes we aren’t too sure on how much is too much, but do you really need to put a picture frame on your wall?
Pictures are like the sunshades of the wall. Now remember that picture of yours which you have totally fallen in love with because you had those dark shades on that made you look like you are the main character in ‘Men In Black’?
Why You Really Need A Wall Art
One thing you should never forget is that in the practice of interior decorations, every little thing counts. A single green apple which is placed on your tableware can go a long way into making or marring your design, it can conform or totally go contrary to your colors, it could be at the wrong spot on the table, or the accessory which houses the apple may be a total knock off! That’s just how important a picture can be to the wall.
Besides, it’s always refreshing to have a good old picture on your wall to stare at: be it an old cuddly black and white family photo with everyone saying ‘cheese’, or just a contemporary landscape painting you got the last time you traveled out of town. Being surrounded by plain walls is just enough to bore one to sleep every time.
If your wall is already covered with wallpapers, it can attract some attention, however, not as much as a picture can. Even in days when you are bored, you may find yourself staring at those pictures for the umpteenth time, now compare that to an ordinarily painted wall… get the point?
Pictures are the eyes of the wall, don’t let yours go blind.