Knotty Pine, Cedar, and Barnwood paneling are very popular today in log homes. It also looks great in conventional homes that traditionally use painted drywall. The natural and rustic look of real wood paneling adds warmth and coziness to any room in the house like nothing else can. Tongue and groove paneling is a great advancement over the old fashioned way of covering walls with wood. Three reasons will be presented to show how this can save you time and money.
It Is Easy to Install
Tongue and groove interior paneling is easy to install. All it takes is simple tools, basic sawing and nailing skills, and watching a video. Homeowners can install the paneling and molding instead of hiring a carpenter. This gives you the option of doing either one.
Leading companies provide high quality wood paneling. The pieces are properly kiln dried and hand inspected to provide straight and flat boards that are free of defects. Each board will be cut to exacting dimensions so that all boards are the same size. This saves time because you don’t need to pick through the wood to find boards that match – they all match each other.
To begin, select the room that has priority and start at the bottom of the wall. Set the first panel in place and make sure it is level. Use a quality nail gun and nail on the studs (check if you’d like battery brad nailers). Keep going across the wall until you get to the corner. Cut the last piece to length and nail it. The next layer of boards will hold the end-but joint in place. It’s that easy!
End Butting on Studs Is Not Necessary
The beauty of tongue and groove paneling with the end-matching system is that it can be joined any where on the wall between the studs. Because the boards lock together it is not necessary to end-but them together on studs. Splicing the ends of boards on studs the old fashioned way makes it harder to install. This is eliminated with end-matching.
It’s easy to cut out the openings for electrical outlets and cables. Just mark the hole precisely and cut. Depending on the width of the boards you may need to cut the hole in two pieces of paneling. The holes will not weaken the paneling. The video that comes with your order will make the work seem easy. Most people save 15% to 20% percent in time and labor.
There is Little Wasted Wood
Tongue and groove paneling comes in the form of boards cut to convenient lengths. Many people use the old system of installing 12’, 14’, or 16’ boards that create a lot of wasted material. When installing tongue and groove you can continuously run the panels with little or no waste. Use the piece you just cut off at the end of the wall to begin the next layer and keep going. Cool – huh!
How much can you save? The average results are 15% to 20% labor savings and up to 20% less material waste. This is the only way to go. Leading mills and suppliers will help you estimate the amount of paneling needed so you won’t over order. This will save even more material cost.
One Last Thought
Be sure to watch this online video before you order the paneling. You will then know if you want to do the work yourself or hire a carpenter. Leading companies will supply either unfinished paneling or pre-finished paneling. The pre-finished will save even more time because you won’t need to finish the boards. Hope all of this helps and happy paneling!