Architecture is a profession with a diverse range of specializations. Like other multi-branched professions like medicine, law, and sibling engineering, it offers various career paths for interested individuals. Not to mention, working for architecture firms also has big potential for professional development and career advancement.

Architects have their specializations based on what they choose to study. Their training will equip them further with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in their chosen specializations. That’s why construction projects have to be managed by suitable architects for them to be completed successfully.

Hiring an architect that matches your project’s requirements is crucial for timely and effective work delivery. It’s for that reason it’s important to learn which of them to pick. As explained in this blog, you can make your decision-making process easier by learning the different types of architects.

Residential architects

Residential architects work with private clients and real estate developers to design and procure stylish and functional houses. They strive to design each home uniquely to give them its own identity. They work closely with their clients throughout the design and construction process because they work on structures where clients have so much personal investment.

A single client should look for a residential architect with the creativity to convert their ideas into designs while maintaining functionality and budgeting. They also need to be familiar with local building codes and protocols to ensure that they conform to what’s legal. However, one of their biggest challenges is managing client expectations, which only experienced ones can do very well, like the APL Architects in the Philippines.

Industrial architects

Industrial architects specialize in designing structures that prioritize functional requirements. Their role is to understand the functions of the structure they’re commissioned to design and the processes that will take place within it to design efficient buildings. Their main goal is to provide a space that can help streamline business operations and an ergonomic environment for its users to their clients.

These architects usually design warehouses, factories, transport hubs, distribution and logistics facilities, power plants, and many more.

Landscape architects

Landscape architects are hired to design and develop outdoor spaces. They create outdoor environments to complement different types of buildings and their interiors. In addition, many landscape architects nowadays also work with green design architects to seamlessly integrate indoor and outdoor spaces.

A landscape architect is also knowledgeable about horticulture because they work on determining placing greenery around outdoor spaces. They design places such as parks, squares, public and private gardens, and walkways. Since they work with greenery, they’re also called to design recreational spaces like resorts and golf courses.

Sustainability architects

Also called green design architects, they’re experts in creating environment-friendly and energy-efficient buildings. Since the concept of eco-friendly buildings is becoming popular, the current demand for these architects is at a high. They promote the use of sustainable materials and construction techniques to minimize the impact of buildings on the environment. In addition, they can also design structures that don’t obstruct their natural surroundings.

Urban designers

Urban designing has the widest scope in terms of area among all architecture branches. That’s because it involves incorporating residential, commercial, industrial, and landscape architecture at a neighborhood or city level. If you handle such large-scale projects, then you’ll need the assistance of urban designers.

Urban designers specialize in designing an entire area instead of individual buildings. Essentially, they have extra clients to serve, and that is the community that’ll utilize the spaces they design. They’re responsible for deciding where residential areas, commercial shops, street networks, public utility buildings, and other infrastructures will be built within a city or town.

Interior architects

Interior architects specialize in the art and science of designing interior spaces. Besides decorating, they’re also focused on the structural components of how an interior space’s design will take shape. That makes them a little different from interior designers.

They’re knowledgeable about building methods and construction, along with having interior design skills. Besides styling a property, they’re also capable of converting black spaces into habitable environments.

Restoration architects

Restoration architects know how to preserve, maintain, and repair historical structures. Often, they work for and with museums, castles, and even residential structures with historical interest. They have a deep understanding of the historical significance of buildings they’re commissioned to restore or preserve. They use the most efficient methods to maintain functionality and aesthetics.


Architects have their chosen specializations, and they studied and trained to be good at them. So it’s only right for you to match them with the right project to get the result you want. Now you’ve had an overview of each of them; you can now start your search.

Author’s Bio:

Angelo Castelda works as a feature writer in Asia. On his free days, he likes to read books and magazines about the latest architecture news and trends. This ultimately made him fall in love with architecture and now spends most of his time writing about it.