Have you noticed dampness or discoloration on the lower parts of your home’s walls? According to Dutch Moisture Control Experts https://www.vochtbestrijdingsnel.be/vochtbestrijding, a continued pattern of rising damp will begin to show signs that lead to serious infrastructure damage.
With the onset of mold, there also is the possibility of serious health consequences. Here are three reasons why you need to be controlling the moisture inside your home.
Repairing Damages from Rising Damp Is Expensive
The appearance of rising damp signifies that there is a significant water issue either from water percolation, condensation or soil saturation. Treating the symptoms will do little good without finding and repairing the cause of the problem.
Once the source of the water is identified and repaired, there are several proven moisture control techniques like facade impregnation or waterproofing that will treat the rising damp and prevent further occurrences that lead to structural damage like mortar or brick deterioration.
How many homes does this effect? Research of 31 European countries found that 12 percent of homes experienced rising damp, more than 10 percent had mold, and one in 10 had water damage.
About 16 percent of homeowners said they experienced two or more of the issues. The data also found that one in six homes were likely to experience moisture problems.
Moisture Causes Mildew, Fungus and Mold
A continuation of rising damp will cause microscopic mold, mildew and fungus to grow on your walls that lead to 1.5 million fatalities annually. Globally, people who are exposed to mold and mildew also have a 40% higher chance of developing asthma and other respiratory diseases. Mold also produces mildew that grows on any surface area.
Mold and mildew thrive in areas that are humid, damp, dark or lack circulation, which is why it is commonly found in basements, cellars, closets and crawl spaces. Because moisture infiltrates walls, it is also likely to occur on rugs and curtains.
Mold will damage your home and cost, on average, up to $6,000 for remediation, repair and cleanup.
Wet, Decaying Organic Matter Attract Pests
There is also a higher likelihood that moisture will attract pests and rodents that are looking for hydration sources. Insects like termites also lead to decay of organic building materials.
A termite infestation is most likely to occur on wood-framed homes. Termites also travel through other building materials including metal and plaster, which makes interior decor like flooring, roofs, cabinets and furniture are susceptible to damage.
According to Home Advisor, the average cost of a termite treatment is $534, but infestation control exceeds $2,500 or more depending on size and location.
Because moisture is an ongoing issue, the likelihood of needing regular treatments will far exceed the value of proper moisture control that detects the water source, repairs damage, applies the proper moisture control treatment and cleans up the area.
Does your home have a moisture problem that is causing rising damp, condensation, or humidity? If so, the cost of effective treatment outweighs the costly risks listed above.