How To Make A Small Room Look Bigger With Mirrors


Another important tip on the line, following our How-To series on how to make your small home look bigger is this new post which will give you the best clues on how to make a small room look bigger with mirrors. We are hoping that before you go further on reading this post, you have […]

How To Make A Small Room Look Bigger With Wallpaper


Following a recent post in which I had to do a thorough comparison on the advantages and disadvantages of using paint or wallpaper in a home, quite a lot of readers have been interested in knowing exactly how to make a small room look bigger with wallpaper, consequently, that’s the header for this new informative post. […]

21 Awesome Pendulum Lighting Ideas For Your Kitchen


As repeatedly mentioned on, a perfect kitchen lighting system does have the need to fit in to two major purposes. Quite frankly, it should illuminate the work surfaces where you carry out a whole lot of your meal preparation activities.  Furthermore, it should give off a warm and welcoming ambiance when it’s time for dinner or evening […]

These 7 Mistakes Make Your House Look Smaller

small living room

In most instances, whenever we are faced with a design project, we do not fail to remember that every little inch of a home’s interior counts. However, one difficult practice is the positioning of furniture as an improper arrangement is sure to make the whole setting difficult, especially when you have to consider your home’s […]

Simple Tips To Help You Remove Your Old Wallpaper


Sometimes, you get to that point where you have to come to terms with the truth and admit it, not just to yourself, you say it out loud, “This wallpaper is ugly,” so you finally resolve to take it off instead of ignoring it. Choosing A Wallpaper And How It All Went Wrong You probably […]

As You Lay Your Bed… So Does Your Bedroom Look


Having your beddings cover every part of your foam may seem ideal, but really, that’s not all about laying your bed. As widely observed, a lot of persons don’t know much better than spreading out their bed’s cover cloth, placing the pillows strategically, and puff! It’s over. Hopefully, at the end of this post, you […]

How To Light Up Your Wardrobe For Proper Lumination


Many home owners have subconsciously grown into the habit of visiting their wardrobe with a flashlight just to pick up a tie which will be the best fit for the shirt they hope to wear to work, this is has almost become a norm in every home, however, it doesn’t make it right, it’s an […]