Whether you want a household deep clean or you’re using the new season as an excuse to partake in some well needed rubbish removal, spring is the ideal time to get your home in order.
Before you start, have a walk round your home and make a list of all the areas that you’d like to focus on. Remember to pay particular attention to areas that tend to get neglected in your normal household clean!
Then it’s just a case of deciding when you’re going to tackle to each area.
To get you started, here are some of the most common areas that will benefit from a spring clean from kwiksweep

Declutter Your Home
We’re all guilty of having clutter in our homes. Whether it’s toys that the kids never play with, old clothes that you never wear or simply bits and bobs of items that need to be sorted – spring is the ideal time to declutter!
Have a good rummage through your cupboards, making separate piles for items that could be given to charity and those that just need binned.
Most charity shops now offer a home collection service for donations and a rubbish removal firm can take care of the rest.
Wash Your Windows
With summer around the corner, spring is the ideal time to get your windows washed inside and out, so that wonderful sunshine can shine into your home.
For the ideal time to window wash, choose a cloudy day, as the sun will dry your cleaning solution before you have the chance to buff it off, leaving smears.
Your windows don’t need any fancy cleaners either. Something as simple as a microfibre cloth and some water will have your windows sparkling. You can also use a vinegar solution for tougher marks.
If you want to take window cleaning to the next level for better results, you can invest in good quality cleaning tools. The tools help in cleaning the windows efficiently and effectively.
Clean Under Furniture and Appliances
If you’re brave enough to look under your sofa, it’s likely that you’re going to be shocked at what you find.
Thanks to kids (and messy partners!) under your sofas and other items of furniture often becomes home to tissues, toys and even discarded food.
As part of your spring-cleaning regime, get your furniture moved, embark on some rubbish removal and give the area a good clean.
Overlooked Surfaces
Spring cleaning is all about deep cleaning those areas that get left out of your normal cleaning regime. This includes places like your ceiling, skirting boards, light fixtures and doors.
Make a solution of washing liquid and warm water, then using a clean cloth, wipe over these areas to remove any marks or dust build-up.
Deep Clean Carpets
Often when we declutter and embark on some rubbish removal, we can be shocked at the sheer difference in colour our carpets are where they’ve had something sitting on them.
Which is why you should aim to deep clean your carpets around once a year.
Here you can choose to hire a company to come in and clean your carpets using an industrial machine. Or, to save some money, many DIY stores hire these machines so you can clean them yourselves.