The heat temperature in Australia from December to February ranges from 20-30°C, but it can get as high as 38°C.

That temperature will make you feel as if you are in a sauna. To add to this problem is the high humidity level which accompanies the hot weather, thus, causing so much discomfort for many people.

If you want your employees to avoid heatstroke, you need to make them constantly drink water and keep them comfortable in a room with a proper cooling system.

Some of the products you can rely on are fans, chillers, and a commercial portable air conditioner. Here are the differences between these three choices:

chilling air conditioner

Commercial fans

Commercial fans are one of the cheapest cooling devices that you can find in the market. At present, consumers are given a choice between getting an AC fan or a DC fan.

An AC fan is characterised by a sinusoidal voltage, which can range from 100-240 VAC. It also revolves around a frequency rate of 50 or 60 Hz. Meanwhile, a DC fan relies on fixed voltage values.

These values can range from 5-48 volts. Though a commercial fan is very economical, some people might feel that the breeze it brings in is not adequate to combat the summer heat.

Temp chillers 

A temp chiller is a piece of equipment that gives a continuous flow of air and pumps coolant out in the process. This machine relies heavily on the principle of vapour absorption and thermodynamics.

It is often categorised into two categories – air-cooled chiller and water-cooled chiller. The former relies on environmental air, while the latter relies on a cooling tower. An air-cooled chiller is usually best for small spaces and requires a lower cost for installation.

On the other hand, a water-cooled chiller can use up to 800kW, which follows that this cooling device will cost you a high electricity bill. You will often see this kind of equipment in malls due to its high coverage. 

Portable air conditioner

Portable air conditioners are also highly suitable for cooling office spaces. There is nothing more convenient than rolling this mobile device wherever you need it.

All you need is an electric plug, and your employees can immediately enjoy its cooling breeze. Unlike traditional air conditioners, investing in a commercial portable air conditioner will save you from the hassle of installing ducts.

Additionally, portable air conditioners are much more energy-efficient than your regular central air conditioning system. They have a lower voltage, thus reducing your operational costs.

If you have the budget, you might want to consider getting a reverse cycle air conditioner. This device is designed not just to provide cooling, but also heat as well. Therefore, you can use this portable equipment all year round!

Other reverse cycle air conditioners can also act as dehumidifiers, which will come in handy if your office is located in a city that experiences extreme temperatures. This feature is also helpful for those who are suffering from allergies. 

The size of your office is one of the important factors to consider when choosing a cooling device. However, if you are just a small business enterprise, it would be wise to invest in a portable air conditioner instead of fans to deal with the summer heat.

Among the three, it is the most economical, convenient, and versatile. If you expand your office, you may want to consider having a temp chiller.

Author Bio: Anne Davis is a freelance writer who offers to ghostwrite, copywriting, and blogging services. She works closely with B2C and B2B businesses providing digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases their search engine visibility.