Buying a House During the Pandemic? What You Should Expect

covid 19, real estate, pandemic, house,

With trillions of dollars lost in the economic market, banks and financial institutions try desperate measures to stop the collapse of the economy. With the steady drop in stock value and profit, it has become clear that things are going to the drain faster than we thought. However, some markets may still be holding up- […]

Get the Most When Selling Your House: A Real Estate Negotiation Guide

things to do before selling a house

There are different ways you can negotiate when selling your house. You can check out our real estate negotiation guide here. Homebuyers are always trying to get sellers to lower their asking price. But, why come down if you don’t have to? Today, we’re going to discuss a few negotiation tactics. Most people feel awkward […]

What Are Domicile, Residence, Or Change Of Address


What is A Home or Domicile? Home is the place where a person has the main place of his or her interests or business.  The domicile is, for the law, the most important figure in determining and regulating the legal relationship of the person with the territory. The person who establishes his domicile in a […]

How To Equip Your Home For Coronavirus Lockdown

There are now more than 600K confirmed coronavirus cases in the world and it is projected to reach over 500 million. With this exponential growth rate, now most governments are taking more radical measures. Now 20% of the global population is under the order to stay home.  As the world is on pause, people are […]

5 Essential Household Items to Pack in Your Family Survival Kit

corona virus house supplies

With the news of coronavirus on everybody’s minds, perhaps now you are thinking of putting together a family survival kit. There are many household items that should definitely make it into your kit. In this list, we’ll offer you a few useful suggestions to consider. But, definitely don’t use this as an exhaustive list. It’s vital to […]

6 Reasons Why You Should Use a Laundromat at Randwick


Whether your house is small, medium, or as big as Nugal Hall and Ventnor, washing clothes and other linens will always be a top priority. Other establishments such as the Royal Hotel on Cuthill, the Prince of Wales Hospital, and the cafés and restaurants at The Spot at the Perouse need clean sheets, beddings, and […]


Construction is one of the most successful industries around the world. As the population increases and as the needs of the masses increase, more and more housing facilities as well as factories, offices and other projects increase. Old buildings are being demolished, and new and improved buildings are taking their place. Metropolitan cities are becoming […]