Every room in a house has to have a sense of practicality to it. When you sit down at the dining room every morning, you’re already in the mindset to read the paper and sip your cup of coffee.

The adjacent kitchen is where you’ll be most active brewing that coffee while making breakfast. Being in those areas supports your actions, but are they part of your home?

Most of it may come down to aesthetics, but your customized kitchen can really bring up your property’s value. What changes you bring into it can entice anticipation from guests and prospective buyers. Listed below are the art of kitchen renovation you should consider improving on.



Keeping a narrow space between your cooking space and the refrigerator can make your kitchen feel more like a kitchenette. It’s also a dangerous enabler of spills and other cooking mishaps.

Modern kitchen designs employs “The Kitchen Work Triangle.”  This refers to three major points of contact- fridge, sink, and stove. Each connected by an invisible line keeping your path between them clear.

Designs may make use of a kitchen island to help facilitate this connection. Maximize space by allowing 15 inches of countertop between the stove and fridge. Be sure to keep appliances and cooking areas at a height children can’t reach.


You might’ve seen pictures of a Virginia mansion kitchen and wanted the same cabinets for your home. What works for some Arlington real estate may not work for your home.

Potential buyers look to see if the cabinets are soft-close, offer additional storage, or have been refinished. Lazy susans are old stand-bys, but drawer stacks are becoming the new way to cut corners.

Once again, kitchen islands are also handy for cabinet space. Break up the monotony of cabinetry blocks by adding glass doors and display shelves.


A kitchen is no different than an art room. Just as an artist needs the right amount of light their subject, you need to see the ingredients that go into your casserole.

During your kitchen refurbishment, make sure to install lights over any surfaces you’ll be preparing food. Overhang lights are a trendy new source of illumination.

This type of lighting can come in single ceiling mounts or a track arrangement. Under-cabinet lighting is also a convenient source that can cover all of your big and small countertops.


A well-functioning stove and oven give you the ability to cook any meal. An old-fashioned kitchen limits what meals you can cook.

When remodeling contractors will suggest updating appliances to sturdier models. Go for models that offer more than new parts. Smart home technology has affected kitchen appliances in ways that were previously dreamed of.

Wi-Fi applications allow you to control the temperature and cook time of your stove via a mobile device. Dishwashers, smart or not smart, are always a must even if the home previously didn’t have one.